Olga Matskevitch Olga Matskevitch

LinkedIn Not Working? Here’s What You Can Do Right Now to Turn Things Around!

Many professionals struggle with LinkedIn’s effectiveness despite actively posting and engaging. The main issues could be an unclear target audience, lack of consistency, insufficient engaging content, or not enough networking activity. To improve results, it's crucial to define your audience, post regularly, engage actively with others, and analyze your outcomes. Remember, LinkedIn is a long game, and a patient approach will eventually pay off.

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Olga Matskevitch Olga Matskevitch

What's Killing Your Business?

Living in a fast-paced world brings constant challenges, and the rise of AI and automation, particularly on platforms like LinkedIn, is one of today's most significant issues. While automation initially appears to offer efficient solutions for lead generation, our experience revealed its drawbacks: an influx of low-quality leads and a lack of meaningful connections. This led us back to manual lead generation, where we prioritize quality over quantity. Manual outreach fosters trust, authenticity, and genuine relationships, which automation often lacks. As LinkedIn's algorithms evolve to penalize automated actions, our commitment to manual methods safeguards our credibility and ensures lasting success.

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